Monday 11 April 2016

Exercises : Conic sections

Conic sections

1.    Given that the straight line x - 2y = 5 intersects with another straight line y = 2x – 1 at a point H.

a)    Determine the coordinates of H.                                                                    (3 marks)  

   b)    A circle touches the straight line y = 2x – 1 at point H and its center lies on the straight line x + y + 2 = 0. Find the equation of the circle.                       (8 marks)

c)    Show that the point F(6 , 2) lies outside the circle described in (b). Hence, find the length of tangent to the circle in (b) from the point F.                        (4 marks)

a)    (-1,-3)
b)    (x - 3)2 – (x + 5)2 = 20
c)    6.16

2.    An ellipse has one vertex at (0, 5) and its foci are (0,3) and (0,-3). Find the equation of the ellipse and sketch the graph.                                                   (3 marks)

x2/16 + y2/25 = 1

3.    a) P(x1 , y1), Q(x2 , y2) and R(x,y) are three points on a circle such that PQ is the diameter. By considering the gradients of PR and QR,show that the equation of the circle is
 (x – x1)(x – x2)+(y – y1)(y – y2) = 0.                                                      (3 marks)

b) The straight line 2x – y – 1 = 0 intersects with another straight line                 
  2x + 3y – 18 = 0 at point K and cuts the y-axis at point L.

      i.        Find the coordinates of K and L

    ii.        By using the result in (a), find the equation of the circle with KL as its diameter. Express your answer in the form (x - h)2+(y – k)2 = r2 .

   iii.        The straight line 2x + 3y -18 = 0 cuts the x-axis at point F. By using pythagoras’ theorem, determine the length of tangent to the circle described in (b)(ii) from point F                                                                                                              (12 marks)
b)i. K(3,4) L(0,-2)      ii. (x – 3/2)2 + (y - 1)2 = 45/4   iii. 6.78

4.    A conic has the equation 4x2 + 25y2 – 16x + 50y – 59 = 0. Determine the standard equation and state the shape of the conic. Sketch the graph of the conic.                                                                                                                                            
 (6 marks)

5.    The centre of a circle lies at the focus of the parabola x2 – 4x – 4y + 16 = 0. If the circle passes through the origin, find the equation of the circle.              (6 marks)

(x - 2)2 + (y - 4)2 = 20

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